breathe a sigh

美 [briːð ə saɪ]英 [briːð ə saɪ]
  • 发出叹息
breathe a sighbreathe a sigh
  1. Still , most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close .


  2. What this has done is making the oil market breathe a sigh of relief as it were .


  3. Now that the resistance level has finally been crossed , investors can breathe a sigh of relief .


  4. High-frequency traders , for example , can probably breathe a sigh of relief , for now .


  5. I breathe a sigh of relief .


  6. ' A reader thinks I 'm so cheap you 'll breathe a sigh of relief when I die , 'I said .


  7. He said he knows America 's European partners will breathe a sigh of relief if an agreement can be reached with Moscow .


  8. Cupid 's arrow will not fall short of its target today-you can breathe a sigh of relief .


  9. Yet if China quietly takes North Korea in hand and defangs this fierce little dinosaur , all concerned might breathe a sigh of relief .


  10. When a breast cancer patient is found to carry one of those gene mutations , her relatives tend to breathe a sigh of relief if they test gene-free .


  11. When the fuss is over , the chances are that Europe will breathe a sigh of relief and continue rather faster down the path of genteel decline .


  12. As you breathe a sigh of relief , you peer out the window and wonder : Just what will be propelling me into the troposphere ?


  13. That 's when the people resume eating meat and the hyenas go back to scavenging free lunches - giving the hyenas the last laugh , while the donkeys breathe a sigh of relief .


  14. World markets might have been expected to breathe a sigh of relief after the U.S. Senate approved a bill authorizing the federal government to purchase hundreds of billions of dollars in bad debt from troubled financial institutions .


  15. Judged against where it was in 2008 and 2011 , the gold price looks set to remain depressed for now , meaning jewellers should breathe a sigh of relief that commodities are not added to their list of headaches , which include currency gyrations ,


  16. Don 't breathe a sigh of relief just yet , though . It 's actually ika , a local Hawaiian snack of dried , seasoned cuttlefish strips ( basically , really stinky squid jerky ) , which the company 's employees painstakingly coat with chocolate .


  17. If that turns out to be true , the Chinese will be able to breathe a big sigh of relief .
